Monday, December 27, 2010

Back in Idaho Again

Tommy took our car to the tire shop to get it fixed this morning and then we left for Idaho. I didn't have any pills for Molly so I was hoping and praying she wouldn't throw up. She just laid down and relaxed. She is finally a traveler.  I think all these trips to Idaho have helped her get used to car rides.
When we got here I peeled potatoes to mash, put baked beans in the crock pot to cook and made gravy. Janna had put a smoked turkey in her roaster and cooked it on really low heat. It was moist and so good. I can't wait for a turkey sandwich tomorrow for lunch. The kids and I had fun playing Frontierville, putting away Christmas decorations and eating candy.
Scott and Janna gave us a GPS for my car. I think they are tired of me calling them for directions everytime I leave the drive way. I have wanted one for a long time so I am thrilled.
The poured the stem walls today. I'll take a picture and post it tomorrow.
I am very tired because I got up so early and now it's time for me to go to bed. Good night!!
Grateful Statement: Today I am grateful for a safe trip to Idaho. For wonderful grandkids, daughter and son in law that make me feel so welcome.
Section 129 - Section 132  I learned about the two kinds of Angels, resurrected Angels with bodies of flesh and bones and the one with spirit bodies in heaven. It was very interesting.

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