Monday, November 15, 2010

Presidency Meeting Again

We had a long presidency meeting this morning. We are getting really organized and making the changes we need to for the new handbook. We are only off on a couple of things. Everything else we are "spot on" as Susan says. I just love working with these ladies.
The rest of the afternoon I took a nap and played on my computer and didn't accomplish one dang thing. Shame on me. I tried to sew. I even made it to my sewing room but that was it. I moved pattern pieces around and came back upstairs. I tried to psych myself into taking a walk but it looked too cold. I can find a million reasons if I don't want to do something. In my defense I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep so I was kind of tired, but then it seems I am always tired. Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to accomplish something.
Grateful Statement: Today I am grateful for my son John who at this moment is in the kitchen making tacos for us for dinner. My own personal chef!
Section 75 - Section 76  The church is instructed to take care of the missionaries and their families while they are sent out into the world.

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