We started out our day with a trip to the Snowflake Temple. We did an Endowment Session. What a beautiful Temple. Lots of Navajo tapestry and beautiful paintings. I saw Donna, Della's daughter there. After the Temple we went and got a Chalupa for Aunt Marie and went and had lunch with her. Jake was there so we had a little chat, then it was off to Pinetop to visit Shawn, Kenny, Shelly and her babies. It was a great visit and I really enjoyed the company. Kathy got tired and went to take a nap in the car.
We came back to our room and Johnnie called to meet him at Trappers for dinner. Kathy didn't want to go so she stayed behind and took a nap. I visited with Johnnie and Phyllis and had dinner. I just love that brother of mine. We are now holed up in our room after Kathy and I went to get a Taco for Kathy and some Ice Cream for dessert. I am blogging and then watching TV and going to sleep.
Grateful Statement: Today I am grateful for my Aunt Marie. She has been the best Aunt to me all my life. She is just so sweet and loving to me.
Section 40 - Section 43 In vers 68 it says "Therefore, he that lacketh wisdom, let him ask of me, and I will give him liberally and upbraid him not." I have written in the margin, we are to pray for wisdom. I really need to do that.
That is a beautiful temple!! I am so glad that you have such good family and friends!!