I was on the top of Sawtell Peak at almost 10,000 ft with Scott, Harley and Rebecca looking at the world below. Scott was so nice to drive me up here to see the view. We could see all of Island Park and Yellowstone. As we started driving down off the mountain my phone rang and it was Claudia from the nursing home telling me that my Mom had passed away. All around me were meadows of the most beautiful wild flowers. It reminded me of my mom who so loved flowers. We stopped and I picked a bouquet for her just as I had so many times when I was little. I wondered if she had flown by me going to Heaven. When I left I had told her if she went to Heaven while I was gone to come to Island Park. I am so grateful that she can now walk and run through meadows of flowers. That her body is no longer stiff. She endured it to the end with flying colors and I can only hope that I do it half as good.
As we were heading down I made the phone calls I needed to. I watched the kids swim and Jet Ski and missed my mom the rest of the day. I have felt numb and empty all day. I called my family and friends and stayed close to the family I am with.
Grateful Statement: I am grateful for the 64 years I had my sweet mom by my side.
So glad you were in a beautiful place when you got the call. She surely was a trooper. Glad she is at peace now. Love you Janice!