I made bread today because I was out. I love using Kamut. It is such a soft flour that when I mix it with Spelt and Wheat flour my bread is really light. And did I mention I love to make bread. .
I worked on my Primary lesson and played on my ipad. All in all it was a wonderful day.
AJ came over tonight to tell me that my daughter wanted me. I was in my moo moo dress and just hanging out. When I went over the Missionaries were there talking to Janna and the kids. One of them is from Gilbert, Arizona and the other one is from Safford. I said my hello's and then my goodbye's. Janna is in big trouble.
Dean called today to see how everyone was doing. It was so good to talk to him. Can't wait to see him in a week and a half.
Now it's my beddie bye time.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for the Missionaries. Bless them for being willing to leave home and family for 2 years to serve.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Walking The Farm
Back Pasture
I started walking this morning around the farm. You can see forever. So pretty and such a view to enjoy while walking. I am trying to walk 10,000 steps every day. Wish me luck...,
I finished canning all the tomatoes from last year into Spaghetti Sauce. One job down, one million to go.
Ruth was supposed to walk with me while we talked on the phone. She was too lazy she said so I walked without her. I know I need to move more so I am going to try to do this. It is beautiful weather so I am good to go.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this beautiful world Heavenly Father made. It is such a delight to walk and enjoy all this. I am blessed.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Canning Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti Sauce
I got up this morning and decided that I was going to take care of myself and eat right and walk, walk, walk. And that's just what I did. I ate only healthy foods and walked 9000 steps all around my house.
I made Spaghetti Sauce with Tomatoes that I had canned last year and bottled it for my pantry. It felt good to accomplish this task that I had been thinking about for some time. Tomorrow I am going to do more.
I also made Ribs and Baked Potatoes for dinner. I had a chicken breast with 3 whole wheat crackers.
Brother Olsen came over tonight to minister to us. He read the entire talk by President Nelson from the Priesthood session. Then he tried to call me to repentance asking me if I had a certain time set aside to go to the Temple and do my Family History. That made Tommy a little mad and he told him that he needed to do it himself and not me, that I had done genealogy for years. Poor Brother Olson. I tried to warn him not to call Tommy to repentance but I guess he didn't hear.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this good and fruitful day. I prayed last night that I would be able to take care of myself better and it happened. Oh, the power of pray. Blessed!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Play Date with Alice
Alice and Gracie
Today was a really good day. I had to do book work for Janna and it just happened that Gracie had a play date with Alice. These two played all afternoon together and had such a good time. They are so sweet to each other and they don't argue.
I was able to finish all the stuff I needed to get done for Janna. And Gracie had such a good time with Alice. And I didn't make any dinner. I called Janna and told her to stop and get something because the kitchen was closed at my house.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for sweet little Alice. She is so cute and kind. Blessed to know her.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Gray Day
My Sweet Brother
Today was a hard day. I just couldn't stay on my diet or exercise or anything. I did get Janna's book work done and made Taco's for dinner.
Gracie hung out with me and played with her Legos and watched shows on her ipad. She is such a good kid. Never have to worry about her getting into stuff.
Shawn and Kenny sent me this picture and 2 pieces of Phyllis' Indian jewelry. How sweet is that. I love my family. I love the love we have for each other. This was such a wonderful surprise that came in the mail. I am one lucky Aunt to have such wonderful nieces and nephews.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for my extended family. I am blessed that we are close.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Today was an exceptional day. The Primary president told Connie and I that they have teachers so we can divide our class into reasonable numbers. Connie and I were elated. It is hard to teach 15 kids. By the time you get around to all of them they are crazy out of control. So next Sunday we will see who we have. I know I will miss the ones that go to the other class.
Gracie went to her class with Alice, her very best friend. She was really good.
I came home from church and did a big fat nothing. I did boil eggs in my pressure cooker for my salads. It it so fast and easy.
I watched Relative Race on the BYU channel. I really love this show. Now it's my bedtime.
Grateful Statement: So grateful for Connie and our little Sunbeams. It is truly a blessing to be one of their Sunbeam teachers.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Walmart and Cosmoprof
Gracie and Onion
I picked up my house to get it ready for the cleaning lady. Our favorite Tammy is back. Now this lady knows how to clean. After I finished that and took my shower Gracie and I headed to Idaho Falls to Cosmoprof for hair products for Janna and then to Walmart for a few groceries and some other stuff. When we came home Tammy had still not shown up. I guess she had a hair appointment and it took three hours. So she came around 4 and scrubbed my bathrooms and then went over to Janna to clean hers.
Gracie played outside all afternoon with the kitties and riding her bike. She watched Lion Guard while I made Sausage, Eggs, Gravy and Biscuits for dinner.
I started working on deleting my pictures from the Cloud and my phone. My storage is almost full on my phone.
Connie texted me about the handouts. I printed them out for her tonight so she can pick them up tomorrow.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this little munchkin. Heavenly Father blessed me so much when she came to live with me. I am blessed!!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
What The Heck
Snow Storm
Today was a good day again. Gracie went to Preschool and I worked on the classes from Scrap Girls. I can't wait to figure out the new one I'm working on. Maybe tomorrow.
I was going to go to Cosmopruf to get Janna some hair stuff but the wind was howling and it was cold. Amy called me to say she was bringing Gracie home at 2:30 so I just didn't go.
For dinner we had Colonel Tso Chicken for dinner. I had everything ready so it didn't take long to make it. I also made some Custard for Tommy. He said it was good.
And then late this afternoon the snow started. I just wish that Spring would get here and stay.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this wonderful day. I am blessed to have such a good life.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Mortuary with Carol
Carol and Jeff
I got a call from Bonnie Hall today to see if I could go to the mortuary with Carol Semmens. Her husband Jeff had passed away in the middle of the night and she was going to the mortuary to make all the arrangements. What a strong woman. I called her to see if she would let me come. At first she was saying she didn't need anyone and that she was fine. I told her I would just sit beside her for moral support and then she said maybe she did need someone. She has no children, only Jeff's kids. I felt so sorry for her. I know that my kids would be by my side in a New York minute to help me. I really like her and I told her so. She is sweet and funny and strong.
As the funeral director was talking about the death certificate he told her that she could get his social security and she would only have to show them the death certificate. And that then hers would stop. I don't think Carol knew that. Suddenly it hit her that she would be getting half the money she gets now. She said she didn't think she could keep her house. But then the strong woman came out and she said that she had been given a Priesthood Blessing and that she would be okay.
I was so grateful that I was able to go with her. I learned lots about getting Tommy and my plots and funeral plan by listening to what they were telling her.
I tried to call her tonight to check on her but she didn't answer. I will call her again tomorrow.
I made pulled pork burritos (Cafe Rio Style) for dinner and watched TV. Now it's time for bed.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for the Ministering I was able to do today. I was blessed to be able to serve.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Gracie May
Page Done
Today was a really good day for me. I felt wonderful all day and stayed on my diet alllllll day. Gracie and I went to the store and bought some groceries. She is so fun. She rides on the front of the cart and hangs on for dear life.
She spent the day playing with her barbie's and outside on the tramp and her swing set. I made Beef Stew for dinner and worked on this page. That's been our wonderful day.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this day. I acknowledge Heavenly Father's hand in my life. I know that all I am, all I have and all the I will be is because of Him!
Monday, April 9, 2018
Austin's Graduation Announcement
Gracie went to Preschool today and I spent all day working on this announcement. Finally it is done. I tried to find a template on the web but couldn't without it costing me money. So I just looked at Harrison's to get ideas. It's better than nothing and I'm glad it is done.
I worked on my laundry and got it all washed. What a chore it is. I don't mind washing and drying but I don't like the folding part.
I thawed out a pork roast from the freezer to see if our pig was freezer burned. It was delicious and no freezer burn. Everyone ate sandwiches with it. Now it's time for bed. I am tired.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for my comfy bed. I love to snuggle in at the end of the day. Blessed!
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Stake Conference
Madi and Gracie
It was Stake Conference so I played hokey and stayed home. I know I need to go (Next time).
Madi came over yesterday to spend the night. Gracie just thinks she is the best. She whispered to me that Janna and AJ are adopting Gracie. She said it made her cry. They will be sisters. How good is that.
I made some Banana muffins for the family this morning and for dinner I made the Chicken in a Blanket things that everyone likes. Now it's time for me to go to bed and get my beauty sleep. I really need it!!
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for Madi and how sweet she is to Gracie. She is a blessing for us.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Scrapping and Napping
New Techniques
I bought some classes from Scrap Girls and learned how to do this page. I love it and it was so fun.
I woke up last night at 1 am and could now get back to sleep. I finally went back to bed and slept about an hour. But it was enough to get me through the day.
Janna had Gracie all morning so I had a very peaceful time. Then Janna and AJ went to dinner with friends and Gracie stayed with me. We had a Tornado warning "What". It turned into a severe thunderstorm. It rained and hailed for a couple of hours and then it stopped and a huge double rainbow appear. It was beautiful. Gracie loved it.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for the moisture that fell tonight. We need it. Blessing abound.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Going To The Temple
What a Face
Connie and I went to the Temple today and did a session. I love this friend of mine. As I watched the movie I realized that Peter, James and John knew the Savior and helped Heavenly Father and Jesus take care of Adam and Eve. I had never thought of that before. So when Jesus called them to follow him and be Apostles did they remember him. Something for me to ponder.
We went to Brady's for lunch. And Connie and I took two pictures. The second one was the good one but something happened and it is gone. So I have to put this weird one on. Connie looks cute so that's what I will look at.
I came home and Gracie was waiting for me so we could make cookies. We had fun making them together. She puts everything in the bowl and cracks the eggs. She is pretty good and doesn't get shells in our cookies.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for this wonderful friend of mine. She is such a blessing to me.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Gracie Going To School
Gracie May
She loves her Back Pack
Gracie is off to preschool at Amy's. She home schools her kids so she teaches Gracie too. Gracie loves her kids, especially Aubry. She helps Gracie and plays with her. It's a good thing!
She takes her backpack everyday. She puts stuff in it and off she goes. Austin takes her and I pick her up. What a deal.
When I went to pick up Gracie, Amie showed me the app on her Ipad that she downloaded so Gracie can learn what she needs to. How sweet is that.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful that Austin is willing to take her. I am blessed to have the best grandkids in the world.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Bunny Mask
Gracie May
These are the Bunny Ears that came in her box from Cha Cha. She wears them everyday. She is just the cutest thing ever. She spends her days with me playing with Barbie's, coloring pictures, playing store with me and helping me with everything. She is my buddy.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful that I get to take care of this little Great Granddaughter. She is truly a blessing in my life.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
More Pages
Miss Pickle
Cell Phone
Today I was pretty lazy. I worked on these pages and sat in my chair. I think I wasn't feeling very well. Tomorrow is another day. And I will get up and feel wonderful.
I love this picture of Heather with her new phone. Janna bought her a smart phone and she was so excited. Janna is the most giving person I know. She does so much for everyone.
Grateful Statement: I am grateful for my thirst for knowledge. I love to learn stuff. And I love to think about the gospel. I have lots of question to ask when I get up there.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Package From Cha Cha
Package has ARRIVED!
Another Page
Gracie waited for this package for 3 days. The post office was rather slow. Gracie has so much fun opening this Easter package from Cha Cha. She always sends packages to Gracie. What a good Grandma she is.
I finished this page of Gracie and Harley. I love to relive these wonderful times. Such a cute picture of these two.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for my Harley. She is so sweet to Gracie.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
General Conference - Sunday Session
I spent the day watching Conference. It was so wonderful. I was amazed at the changes that were made. It seems we are getting ready for something. Like a world wide church that these changes will help to run better. I am glad I took notes so I remember the highlights of the talks.
In between conference I made Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Candied Carrots and Rolls. It was a good Easter Dinner and I was able to watch the afternoon session.
Grateful Statement: I am so grateful for Conference and the teaching of our leaders. I was blessed!!
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Lazy Day
Lunch Yesterday I made a Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole for dinner. AJ liked it but not Janna. Oh well. So today I had it for lunc...
What a crowd. So very cute with all different colors. Get down, it's my turn Dinner time! All of Tommy's me...
Freezer I cleaned out my freezer in the garage. It took all night and half of today to get the ice melted. It feels good to have it a...
Gangplank Seafood Restaurant Kathy and I took the kids to have fish and chips at our favorite place. But I must say it wasn't as go...