Austin, Destiny, Bailee, Harrison and Hayden
Destiny and Harrison
Hayden has a bug. Can you believe that?
A group hug to prove they won't fight with each other.
Harrison riding Summer with Harley
Green Beans from my garden.
I took the kids to Island Park today so they could play in the river. We stopped at Subway and got sandwiches for them before we went to the river. They had fun finding things in the water. Next time Austin decided we needed to bring tubes so we could float around in the water. I would have to tie them up or they would be at the end of the river in no time.
While I was watching the kids these two men in a canoe tried to get across the river by going straight across the swift part of the river. Needless to say the canoe went upside down. One of the men was wearing a white shirt and dress pants with a huge camera around his neck. He came up holding the camera and shaking it trying to get the water out of it. Then he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. Next time he gets in a canoe I bed he will wear things he doesn't care if they get wet.
After we came home I picked green beans and zucchini from my garden and cooked them for dinner. Harrison really liked the zucchini with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on it. He told me he was going to get his mom to get some zucchini so he could saute them in butter. I just bet Amie will do that just for him.
I took the kids to YW/YM and they went swimming at Rigby Lake. Harrison was going to go but changed his mind. He didn't want to get in the water again. His levels have been pretty good today so he is doing well.
Grateful Statement: I am grateful for the sisters in Relief Society. I am beginning to know and love them. Heavenly Father had a great plan when he created Relief Society for us sisters.